I put this together mostly for my children.
This is a place where we can put things that are important.


Norris & Jo Packer Family Photos
Pottery and Paintings

Things I particularly like about my family.

Jo makes me feel like I am o.k. all the time
She loves me with an ease that allows me to relax
She handles money and finances like a pro
She is unselfish
She is beautiful
She takes pride in her appearance
I like that we can hardly stand to be apart, but we can endure it, painfully even for months at a time
She is amazingly brave and responsible. - example - India
She is artistic, loves to teach, and is a good, solid friend to many
I love the way she laughs.  One of my favorite things to do is watch something with her that makes her laugh
Children are drawn to her and she has never ending patience
She has always treated me like a prince.
She has great care and concern for others
People who are drawn to her absolutely adore her
I love that we find peace in each others arms.
She is my best friend.

I love Jo.

Tori is my youngest darling.
Tori is always happy to see me.
Tori wants people to be happy
Tori is smart. She learns easily and quickly.
She has an amazing memory
I love that she wanted to sleep in our bedroom as a teen
Tori has great patience and compassion.
She is able to endure a great deal without complaint.
She shares my love of butterflies.
Tori is beautiful
Tori shares my nerdy side and loves Startrek
Tori is always willing to do whatever she can to help others.
I like being with Tori, and doing just anything.
She is now a great mother and wife too.

I love Tori.

Ivana is our third child
She is kind and tender
She is sentimental and family things mean a lot to her
She is a patient and thoughtful friend
She is brave and strong
Ivana is lovely
She was always looking after Tori without complaint
I love that she still likes to eat Indian food
She loves to learn and is quick to take on a new project, even if she has to learn how to do it
Ivana too wanted to sleep in our room well into her teenage years.
She has a fun and interesting sense of humor
When we make pottery videos together, there is always a hilarious outtake reel
Ivana is responsible and hard working
She is a great mother with a huge heart
I love being with Ivana 

I love Ivana.

John is a great son
He is dedicated and a hard worker
He is disciplined and honest
He has an easy sense of humor that often will get any group he's in laughing.
He is a great athlete
Sports seems to come easily to John
John is a good father and husband.  
John is respectful, patient to fault and a good explainer.
He is considerate and thoughtful and loves to have fun
John's a good salesman.  Not because he's super outgoing,  but because he is easy to like, and explains things in a really great way.
He is a good coach and helps me look at things in new ways
He is grateful and giving
I love to hang out with John
No dad could be more proud of his son, than I am of John.

I love John.

Sue is our first child.
She was a delightful child, full of life and happiness.
She shares my love of butterflies
Sue is a great communicator and can carry on deep and thoughtful conversations easily
She is loving and caring
She is a great mother and is very wise as she helps her boys grow and develop
Sue is beautiful.
She likes to have things in order
She loves to do special things, like the time we met in Hungary.
She is protective and sensitive.
She likes justice and for people to be treated kindly and fairly
Sue can be fun and goofy - I love it when she laughs
Sue is a great artist and loves beautiful things
Sue is brave, adventuresome, and is willing to try new things
I love being with Sue

I love Sue.